[detail of painting by Salman Khoshroo]

The editors are currently soliciting proposals for the series. Contact any of them or de Gruyter editor Christoph Schirmer for submission information.
According to an email from one of the series editors,
the proposed series aims to bring into focus exciting and new theories that have emerged within and at the borders of political philosophy within the last few years. In doing so, the series aims at publishing excellent work in political philosophy from marginalized philosophers and/or on marginal topics and theories, such as work within philosophy of disability, trans* philosophy, feminist philosophy, critical race studies, environmental justice, indigenous philosophy, Critical Theory, non-ideal theory, and ecofeminism (to name but a few), work that provides interesting and fruitful intersections of traditional and contemporary theories as well as work that bridges Western political philosophy and other philosophies, particularly with an applied focus on global issues. The series is committed to bringing ideas from margins to center: transforming political philosophy by giving these topics their rightful place as a central part of political philosophy. The series is open both to theoretical as well as applied political and social philosophy.
The series editors are Christine Bratu (Georg-August Universität Göttingen), Matthew Congdon (Vanderbilt), Hilkje Hänel (Universität Potsdam), Serene Khader (CUNY), and Robin Zheng (Glasgow).
“Transforming Political Philosophy” is an upcoming book series in political philosophy to be published by de Gruyter.