Polestar 2
Polestar 2 buyers will also be able to purchase ChargePoint’s Home Flex Level 2 in-home charger when they order their vehicle. This is usually a 9 cost that needs to be dealt with outside of the vehicle purchase process, but now buyers will be able to roll it all into one payment. Buyers are also able to arrange home installation of their charger through the Polestar purchase process.
Tim Stevens/Roadshow

“Not only does our partnership with Polestar provide drivers easy access to thousands of Level 2 and DC fast places to charge across North America, the in-vehicle integration of the ChargePoint app brings our comprehensive charging ecosystem seamlessly into the in-vehicle experience,” said Bill Loewenthal, senior vice president of product for ChargePoint, in a statement. “This partnership with Polestar is one of the first such integrations, and will serve as a blueprint for further collaborations between the two companies.”

Polestar and EV charging network ChargePoint are teaming up to simplify the charging experience in the new Polestar 2. The companies are doing by creating an in-car app that, according to an announcement Tuesday, will allow drivers to navigate to an open charging station, monitor their charging and provide payment — all from the Polestar 2’s infotainment system.

Other benefits to the ChargePoint/Polestar partnership include expanded access to all of ChargePoint’s 130,000 chargers, as well as many thousands more in outside networks, thanks to ChargePoint’s roaming agreements. This should simplify the process of staying charged on long trips, no matter where a driver ends up going.
Soon, Polestar 2 owners will have their own, in-car ChargePoint app.
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This partnership looks to be one of the closest we’ve seen yet between an EV manufacturer and a charging network, apart from Tesla, which owns its own Supercharger network. Still, we suspect that it’s likely to become the norm, rather than the exception, as EVs continue to gain market share in the US.