APDA is retaining its initials but altering its name to better match its activities as an “ongoing project that collects, analyzes, and distributes data concerning philosophy PhD programs and graduates, with a special focus on job placement.”
APDA provides information about the job placement rates, financial support, research and teaching preparation, and climate, of philosophy PhD programs.
You can now keep informed about updates to APDA by following the project on Twitter at APDAtweets.
APDA is in the process of collecting additional data, according to project director Carolyn Dicey Jennings. It has also recently begun a “badge” program that indicates which departments are working as “partners” with APDA (you can see them next to the names of various departments on the table here). Professor Jennings writes that they are “hoping to get as many programs as possible into partner status with the project.”

Formerly “Academic Placement Data and Analysis,” it is now “Academic Philosophy Data & Analysis.”

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