NASA’s Curiosity rover might be obsessed with rocks and geology at ground level, but it also takes time to see what’s happening in the Martian sky. This week, NASA released a pair of GIFs to show us back on Earth what the clouds look like drifting across Mars.
NASA/JPL-Caltech/York University

This story is part of Welcome to Mars, our series exploring the red planet. While the first GIF shows a view that includes the Martian landscape, a second movie shows the clouds moving directly above Curiosity. Together, they tell a story. “Scientists can calculate how fast the clouds are moving — and how high they are in the sky — by comparing the two perspectives,” NASA said.  
Hey, hey, you, you, check out my Mars clouds.
Curiosity is in residence in the Gale Crater on Mars. The rover has delivered some fascinating cloud observations since it landed in 2012, including views from last year of ethereal “mother of pearl” clouds that come in pastel hues. 

This perspective shows clouds drifting above the Curiosity rover on Mars in late 2021.
NASA/JPL-Caltech/York University

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This GIF shows clouds in the Martian sky as seen by the Curiosity rover in December 2021.
CNET Science

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