All articles will appear in JSS in English, though submissions may be written in Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. If a manuscript is accepted, authors will be asked to provide an English translation of the accepted version. There are more details about the journal’s language policy here.
The first issue of the journal, a collection of invited short essays on the future of Spinoza scholarship, will appear a year from today on Spinoza’s 390th birthday, November 24, 2022. The journal is now accepting submissions for its second issue and beyond.
The Journal of Spinoza Studies (JSS) is a new, online, open-access, peer-reviewed journal that “aims to publish original, innovative scholarly work on any aspect of Spinoza’s thought or its reception, and is committed to promoting a lively exchange of ideas among scholars working in different intellectual and philosophical traditions.”
You can learn more about the journal at its website.
The editors of JSS are Andrea Sangiacomo (University of Groningen) and Kristin Primus (UC Berkeley). The journal will be published by University of Groningen Press.
Though the journal is open-access, authors will not be charged any submission fees. Authors will retain copyright under a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License.