Visit the International Philosophy Olympiad site to learn more about the topics the students engaged with and to see the list of award winners.
Owing to the pandemic, the event was held online, hosted by the Slovenian team. The Olympiad involves a writing competition, several keynote lectures, philosophy cafes, and student workshops organized around the theme of “Utopia and Utopian Thinking.” Keynote speakers included David Estlund (Brown University), David Heyd (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Ruth Hagengruber (Paderborn), Philip Kitcher (Columbia), Peter Singer (Princeton), and others. You can check out the program here, and view videos of several of the lectures here, including an address by the President of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, welcoming the participants and expressing his support for the importance of philosophical thinking.
(via Matthew Hammerton)

The International Philosophy Olympiad took place last month, with 108 high school students from 50 different countries taking part.

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