Category file13

Ethics & Civic Education Program Seeks Help from Philosophers


The program is tightly integrated with a service-learning course in the Philosophy Department at UNC entitled “Ethics Bowl and Democratic Deliberation.” In addition to teaching the fundamentals of ethics pedagogy and the essentials of deliberative democracy, the course partners UNC undergraduates directly with schools participating in the NHSEBBridge program in…

Zheng from Yale-NUS to Glasgow


Robin Zheng, currently assistant professor of philosophy at Yale-National University of Singapore, has accepted an offer of a permanent position in philosophy at the University of Glasgow. She takes up her new position as lecturer at Glasgow in January, 2022.…

Making Haiku and Art from the SEP


(from “Qualia” by Michael Tye) Some of the results are below. Other examples are posted on his twitter-feed: @MaxNoichl. (from “Imre Lakatos” by Alan Musgrave and Charles Pidgen) I then selected some haiku that I particularly liked, and ran them…