Category file13

Venues for Public Philosophy

Venues for Public Philosophy

  The list, so far, includes 24 outlets. You can check it out here. If you know of others to add to it, you can mention them in the comments here, or join the PPN and share them in its…

The Woman Who Saved Native Song

The Woman Who Saved Native Song

Music is closely intertwined with the life of every race. We understand the people better if we know their music, and we appreciate the music better if we understand the people themselves. Everywhere she went, her pure-hearted devotion to preserving…

Interview With “Candy Mom” Philosopher

Interview With “Candy Mom” Philosopher

The latest development in “things that make you think our universe is a simulation created for the entertainment of more advanced beings” is that a philosopher is being pilloried online for how she limits her children’s consumption of Halloween candy.…

Thomas Burrus (1984-2022)

Thomas Burrus (1984-2022)

Thomas Burrus, instructor of philosophy at the University of South Carolina Aiken, has died. (The following memorial notice is by Jacob Nelson, who had been a student of Burrus’s, and recalls him as a brilliant individual and mentor.) Thom Burrus…

Beethoven and the Art of Amends

Beethoven and the Art of Amends

We are told that the best proof of sincere contrition is to acknowledge our faults; and this is what I wish to do. Let us now draw a veil over the whole affair, learning one lesson from it… When friends…